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(400 / width) : (500 / height); width = width * radio; height = height * radio; } jQuery('#wpjam_modal').html(''); jQuery('#wpjam_modal_wrap').css({width:width+'px', height:height+'px'}).removeClass('hidden'); } img_preloader.src = src; } } function wpjam_iframe(src, css){ wpjam_modal(src, 'iframe', css); }import { useCallback } from 'react'; export default function PopoverDialog( props ) { const { targetRef, offsetTop, offsetLeft, wrapperClass, trigger, hideAfter } = props, popoverRef = useCallback( ( popoverEl ) => { const target = targetRef?.current; // If the target or the popover element does not exist on the page anymore after a re-render, do nothing. if ( ! target || ! popoverEl ) { return; } /** * Show Popover */ const showPopover = () => { popoverEl.style.display = 'block'; popoverEl.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', true ); const targetRect = target.getBoundingClientRect(), popoverRect = popoverEl.getBoundingClientRect(), widthDifference = popoverRect.width - targetRect.width; popoverEl.style.top = targetRect.bottom + offsetTop + 'px'; popoverEl.style.left = targetRect.left - ( widthDifference / 2 ) - offsetLeft + 'px'; // 16px to compensate for the arrow width. popoverEl.style.setProperty( '--popover-arrow-offset-end', ( ( popoverRect.width - 16 ) / 2 ) + 'px' ); }; /** * Hide Popover */ const hidePopover = () => { popoverEl.style.display = 'none'; popoverEl.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', false ); }; /** * Handle the Popover's hover functionality */ const handlePopoverHover = () => { let hideOnMouseOut = true, timeOut = null; // Show popover on hover of the target target.addEventListener( 'mouseover', () => { hideOnMouseOut = true; showPopover(); } ); // Hide popover when not overing over the target or the popover itself target.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', () => { timeOut = setTimeout( () => { if ( hideOnMouseOut ) { if ( 'block' === popoverEl.style.display ) { hidePopover(); } } }, hideAfter ); } ); // Don't hide the popover if the user is still hovering over it. popoverEl.addEventListener( 'mouseover', () => { hideOnMouseOut = false; if ( timeOut ) { clearTimeout( timeOut ); timeOut = null; } } ); // Once the user stops hovering over the popover, hide it. popoverEl.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', () => { timeOut = setTimeout( () => { if ( hideOnMouseOut ) { if ( 'block' === popoverEl.style.display ) { hidePopover(); } } }, hideAfter ); hideOnMouseOut = true; } ); }; /** * Handle the Popover's click functionality */ const handlePopoverClick = () => { let popoverIsActive = false; target.addEventListener( 'click', ( e ) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if ( popoverIsActive ) { hidePopover(); popoverIsActive = false; } else { showPopover(); popoverIsActive = true; } } ); // Make sure the popover doesn't close when it is clicked on. popoverEl.addEventListener( 'click', ( e ) => { e.stopPropagation(); } ); // Hide the popover when clicking outside of it. document.body.addEventListener( 'click', () => { if ( popoverIsActive ) { hidePopover(); popoverIsActive = false; } } ); }; if ( 'hover' === trigger ) { handlePopoverHover(); } else if ( 'click' === trigger ) { handlePopoverClick(); } }, [ targetRef ] ); let wrapperClasses = 'e-app__popover'; if ( wrapperClass ) { wrapperClasses += ' ' + wrapperClass; } return (
{ props.children }
); } PopoverDialog.propTypes = { targetRef: PropTypes.oneOfType( [ PropTypes.func, PropTypes.shape( { current: PropTypes.any } ) ] ).isRequired, trigger: PropTypes.string, direction: PropTypes.string, offsetTop: PropTypes.oneOfType( [ PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number ] ), offsetLeft: PropTypes.oneOfType( [ PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number ] ), wrapperClass: PropTypes.string, children: PropTypes.any, hideAfter: PropTypes.number, }; PopoverDialog.defaultProps = { direction: 'bottom', trigger: 'hover', offsetTop: 10, offsetLeft: 0, hideAfter: 300, };

We are Clothing
Manufacturers Experts

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About Company

Professional Clothing Manufaturers

Our company is 100% Black owned located in the heart of Gauteng, from which we cater to clients from around South Africa and neighboring countries. HL Promotions & Events was formed by Wesley Banda and Nthabiseng Monnanyana with the aim of creating jobs and facilitating Skills Development Programmes which objectively would be a tool to alleviate the high rate of employment.

With the experience and the knowledge we have gained through our incorporation with Positive Prints and Parkberg Promotions which have already been in the field for more than 15 years. HL Promotions & Events have supplied to big Corporates like SAPPI, SABC, AFRICAN RAINBOW MINERALS, DIMENSION DATA, NHBRC, POWA, SANPARKS and etc.


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Our Services

We Provide Superior Clothing Services

Manufacturers of Corporate & Safety Wear
Silk-Screening (T-Shirts, Banner and Garments)
500X325 1
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We Also Offer

We are fast paced and passionate about our services, our firm offers specialized high end solutions. Working as your strategic partner, our team bring skills, imagination and experience to each project. Project management adheres to budget and production schedules from conceptual planning through delivery.

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Six Reasons For People Choosing Us

Quality Material
Trained Workers
Time Availability
Quick Response
1 Year Warranty
We Are Business Who Cares, And it Shows


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For any enquiry for corporate & safety wear, school uniform, security wear manufacturing and printing, Feel free to visit our work place.

59 Joubert St & Jeppe St, 1st Floor, Jhb, 2000

Phone: 073 325 2607

Email: wesley@hlpromoclothing.co.za

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